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        Science of course is my favorite subject and hopefully yours but if it’s not I hope that you enjoy my class this year.  Science is a subject that encompasses all subject areas such as math, language arts, writing, and social studies.  This is going to be a fantastic year working with each every one of you all and with your parents.  Remember that if we work together we can achieve anything.


My expectations for the 2014-2015 school are quite simple.  First and foremost I expect to have all my students succeed in science by participating in class, completing assignments on time, asking questions and exhibiting growth in science.  Each student will be respectful of all individuals to include faculty, staff, adults and peers.  Students will work to the best of their ability.  Last but definitely not least each student is expected to follow all Rockingham County Schools, Rockingham Middle School and Mr. Janney’s  classroom rules and regulations. 


 -Prentice Hall Science Explore (North Carolina Grade 7)

Note:  The textbook will be used as a supplemental source and will NOT be passed out.  The textbook will remain in the classroom unless the textbook has been signed out.  Students will have access to online class material to use at home.

Essential Standards:

Listed below are the five essential standards 7th grade students will focus on this school year.

-7.P.1      Understand motion, the effects of forces on motion and the graphical representations of motion.

-7.P.2      Understand forms of energy, energy transfer and transformation and conservation in mechanical systems.

7.E.1       Understand how the cycling of matter (water and gases) in and out of the atmosphere relates to Earth’s atmosphere, weather and climate and the effects of the atmosphere on humans.

-7.L.1      Understand the processes, structures and functions of living organisms that enable them to survive, reproduce  and carry out the basic functions of life.

-7.L.2      Understand the relationship of the mechanisms of cellular reproduction, patterns of inheritance and external factors to potential variation and survival among offspring.


Grading Scale: 
A= 93-100   B= 85-92   C= 77-84   D= 70-76   F= Below 70
Homework will be assigned based on the unit classes are currently working on. When homework is assigned it is due the following day at the beginning of class. Homework will be graded based on its completeness and/or attempt. Late work will NOT be accepted. Repeated failure to complete homework will result in phone calls/conferences with parents/guardians. If the student is absent, he/she is given as many days as they were absent to complete make-up work. However, it is the student’s responsibility to get work to and from the teacher. The teacher will NOT hunt down any make-up assignments.


Late Work:

Students who have an excused/waived absence may make up any work that they have missed.  They will only be permitted three days to make up any work.  The teacher has discretion to give additional days depending on the circumstance.  Students who have an unexcused absence will NOT be permitted to make-up any work.


Extra Help and Extra Credit: 
If at any time the student is having trouble understanding any material or falling behind, it is their responsibility to inform the teacher.  The teacher is more than willing to provide extra help, as well as make any special accommodations if necessary. Extra credit will be given periodically through each grading period. If the student has missed an assignment it would be in their best interest to complete the extra credit assignments because this will replace their missing grade.  Extra credit is will be turned in on the due date NO EXCEPTIONS.  Students will NOT be permitted additional time for extra credit assignments.


Classroom Rules:

1. Be RESPECTFUL to faculty, staff, and classmates

2. Be in assigned seat ready to work when the tardy bell sounds and remain seated unless otherwise instructed.

3. Raise your hand, wait to be acknowledged before speaking and for any type of movement in the classroom

4. Bring all necessary supplies (binder, paper, notebooks, pencils, pens, textbook, etc.) to class everyday

5. Gum, food, candy, grooming items, or non-educational items are not allowed in the classrooms.

6. Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself.  Keep your area clean.

7. Wait to be dismissed by the teacher


1. First Time: Verbal warning 

2. Second Time: Team/Students conference and parent/guardian phone call 

3. Third Time: Team/Student/Parent/Guardian conference

4. Fourth Time:  Guidance referral

5. Fifth Time: Administrative Referral

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